How to enlarge penis?

Penis - this is pride of every man. The problem was always the stronger sex related to penis enlargement. The number of men, firmly self-reliant, large enough for their own members, constantly increases. Most men dream to increase the size of the penis at least a couple of inches. There are a lot of methods designed for the solution to this problem.

Penis lengthening surgery

how to enlarge your penis,

The most important surgical method. Operation allows you to achieve the penis lengthening or thickening, as well as multiple combinations. The main purpose of surgical intervention to increase the length of the penis – elongation and reduction of organ Department of the main part of the vine. Bond occur during excision surgery perineum penis to hold in the part.

Essentially, this process invariably due to organ size and growth of General Re-to increase the length in the visible part of the penis and its secret reduce, perineal. This surgical procedure is performed under general anesthesia.

The scale of the penis augmentation surgery much more difficult in terms of execution is a member of increased length. Surgical intervention provides the only effective method of accommodation under the skin of the penis to increase the diameter of the tissue of the penis with other body parts ill. Maybe a movement, a Nov or adipose tissue depending on the desired results.

Basic technical, thickening the penis, while the fatty tissue under the skin areas of the buttocks. The required amount of fatty tissue is removed with a cut made in the gluteal fold. Then the fatty tissue under the skin, are distributed along the length of the sexual organ cut and intradermal suture. Tripe then remains almost unnoticeable. With such a technique increases the diameter more than 1 cm of the penis.

Another method - transport Nov texture. This method of increasing the diameter of penis is more difficult. The possible complications that are associated with this risk, therefore, this process for quite a long time hospitalization (length of stay in the hospital for at least 10 days). The necessary confidence for such a complex operation, only experienced and qualified plastic surgeon.

At home penis enlargement

There is a lot of Method to increase penis size at home without resorting to surgical intervention that provides.

Such a fund, a special apparatus – Extender. Using this equipment, you can increase penis length and thickness. The device, recipient, time and effort during installation, invisible under pants and is always available. Operating principle of the hardware is to slow the exposure, the tissue stimulation in the sexual organ, which allows you to load singular active member. This process leads to acceleration of cell division, resulting in May extend it a little.

Oldest method, enlarge, penis enlargement massage. You need to prepare for a massage before. We need to shift the member a soft cloth dipped in lukewarm water. Keep to three minutes. Good dry skin penis. For massage then you can start by choosing one or two positions: standing or sitting.

penis enlargement
  1. You must be a member I'm comfortable. Hand grasp and squeeze the penis head, need to keep an eye on this, I made of blood to a member.
  2. Next, the penis itself gently up to this time I feel no discomfort. In such a case that you need to keep 5 minutes. After a minute delay, you can try to the penis a little more. The commission should not experience pain during the procedure. Rest for a minute circular massage of penis.
  3. Repeat this exercise 4 times, stretching the penis following aspects: Up-Down, Right-Left. Circular massage and relax.
  4. Pull the penis forward and hold in this position for a minute to squeeze 10 times. All the action to bring a strong discomfort.